EBANX | Design System

role / Service


agency / business

Gauge by Stefanini Group

location & Year





Design Systems have become an essential tool for modern product development, as they enable companies to maintain brand consistency and improve user experience across multiple platforms and devices. The project for Ebanx was no exception, as it aimed to establish a Design System that would elevate the product’s maturity and scalability in the Latin American market. The Atomic Design process used in this project allowed for the creation of a highly organized and structured system, based on the concept of building blocks, from the smallest elements, called atoms, to larger components known as molecules and organisms.

By developing a Design System in Figma, a popular cloud-based design tool, the team ensured that the system was accessible, collaborative, and scalable. The final product, consisting of over 80 pages, not only established a cohesive visual identity but also provided detailed guidelines for interactions, behaviors, and user flows.